Minco plc has been Acquired by Dalradian Resources Inc.
The Scheme of Arrangement implementing the recommended Offer by Dalradian Resources Inc. (“Dalradian”) for all of the share capital of Minco plc and the Demerger of Minco’s wholly owned subsidiary Buchans Resources Limited (“Buchans”) to Minco Shareholders by way of a transfer in specie, became effective 30 August 2017.
Pursuant to the terms of the Offer each shareholder of Minco who appeared on the register of members of Minco at the Scheme Record Time will receive:
0.0242982110 New Dalradian Shares for each B Scheme Share
(equivalent to 0.0242982110 New Dalradian Shares for each Minco Ordinary Share as at the date of the Announcement)0.02 Buchans Shares for each A Scheme Share
(equivalent to 0.10 Buchans Shares for each Minco Share as at the date of the Announcement).Crediting of Dalradian DIs to CREST accounts and the despatch of DRS Advices of New Dalradian Shares (as appropriate) will take place by 13 September 2017.
The despatch of DRS Advices of Buchans Shares will take place by 13 September 2017.
and as part of the Scheme, upon the Demerger taking effect, Scheme Shareholders will also receive:
For more information, please see:
Dalradian Resources Inc.
Buchans Resources Limited
Transaction Details & Documents
Information for Shareholders |